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How to deal with abdominal Fat by Physical Exercise

How to deal with abdominal Fat by Physical Exercise Obesity  With the progress of humans in science and technology, life has become so convenient. And that is the reason obesity is rising as a major health issue. The storage of too much unnecessary fat in the abdominal area and other parts of the body is called obesity. According to the WHO ( world health organization), the obesity level has tripled in the world since 1975. Developed countries like the US and UK have a higher rate of obesity as compared to underdeveloped countries. Developed countries have an easier life as compared to other countries because they have luxuries. Due to technology, people don't have to work hard. Opportunities for physical activity are way fewer than in old times. That is the reason for the rising level of obesity in the developed world.   Abdominal fat Fat which is stored around the abdominal organs inside our belly is called abdominal or visceral fat. It is considered the most harmful fat in ...

Five Main Physical Exercises That Burn Fat


Five Main Physical Exercises That Burn Fat

The WHO says that 60% of the factors that affect a person's health and quality of life are related to their way of life.

Our ancestors worked hard for a living in the old times. During those times, life was not that easy. People had to travel long distances without any vehicles to bring some food. They used to move all day long.

Five Main Physical Exercises That Burn Fat

In the Paleolithic period, people made their tools out of stone to fulfil their fundamental requirements of having food, a place to live, and clothing.

The ability of people living in the old stone age to hunt or gather food, produce water, construct and maintain clothing and shelter, evade predators, and enjoy social interaction all played a role in determining the level of physical activity they engaged in.

That was a perfect solution for Physical Fitness

By walking barefoot, their muscles, tendons, and overall coordination got better. This made it less likely that they would get sudden or long-term health problems.

They get the majority of the food for their nutritious and well-balanced diet from natural sources and only minimally process it.

So, both the amount of energy they took in and the amount of energy they burned off were about the same. 

This is an important part of making sure that they stay healthy.

It was thought that the different kinds of physical activity they did burn off about one-third of the calories they ate.

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Nowadays, life has completely changed. We have so many luxuries even though we belong to a middle-class background.

We have become lazy because we don't have to work as hard as our ancestors did.

In the modern era, technology has made us less active and more likely to eat unhealthy foods. This is a big change from the Paleolithic era when people were more active and ate healthier foods.

Physical inactivity for a long time has been linked to the development of diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity that are not spread by a virus.

Most people aren't active enough because they don't do enough physical activities, live a sedentary lifestyle, or take more passive forms of transportation.

Increased urbanization, including violence, traffic congestion, air pollution, and a lack of parks, sidewalks, and sports and recreation facilities, is also thought to be one of the main reasons why people aren't as active as they used to be.

Physical inactivity tends to get worse as people age, and women are more likely than men to lead sedentary lives.

People with a sedentary lifestyle tend to eat foods with a lot of calories, like those made from grains and milk, sugars, vegetable oils, and processed foods with additives that may mess with their metabolism.

These foods also have easy-to-breakdown carbs. These carbohydrates raise the amount of glucose in the blood, which insulin then stores as fat.

If you eat these foods often, it could mess up your metabolism.

That's why daily physical exercise for fat burning is necessary for us.

Exercises are essential for a better and healthier life.

It's almost impossible to ignore the benefits of exercise. Exercise helps us to maintain muscle strength and a more robust immune system as we grow older gradually.

Exercise allows us to control our weight. As we grow older, we might have to face diseases like metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety, and many types of cancer.

But we can reduce the chances by giving our bodies good exercise.

Mental health can also get better if we spend enough time on physical activities.

We will guide you step-by-step on your journey of getting a fitter, smarter, and healthier body, plus Five Main Physical Exercises That Burn Fat so stay with us.


There Are Five Main Categories Of Physical Exercise List Of Exercise.

  • Cardio

  • Muscle strength

  • Muscle endurance

  • Flexibility 

  • Balance drills

1: Cardiovascular Workouts

Cardiovascular exercises are physical activities or exercises that raise your heartbeat. These exercises are also known as aerobic exercises because they use aerobic metabolism. Oxygen is highly involved in this process. During cardio, our hearts beat faster and we have to inhale more oxygen. 

We start breathing deeply and faster. This process maximizes Due to the high oxygen levels in our blood, our stamina gets better and most of the muscles start working better. 

because every muscle in the body needs oxygen

Cardio workouts help you lose weight, especially belly fat. However, genetics has a 20%–40% influence on the response of your heart to cardiovascular exercise. 

Females have 20% less capacity for cardio. But all these facts don't mean that you can not improve your cardiovascular capacity. You can always improve your fitness level. Boxing, cycling, swimming, jogging, etc. are aerobic exercises.

 Some domestic chores, like vacuuming and mopping, are also aerobic exercises.

There are 7 types of cardio or aerobic exercises.

  • Low-Intensity Interval Training

  • Medium Intensity Interval Training

  • High-Intensity Interval Training

  • Aerobic Interval Training

  • Anaerobic Interval Training

  • Fartlek, or Speed Play Training

  • Circuit Training


1: Low-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity exercises are well known because they have a high impact in a short period of time, especially among teenagers. 

These exercises are more beneficial as compared to other activities. But these exercises don’t suit everyone, like aged people or those who suffer from some diseases. because these exercises require a high amount of energy and oxygen consumption.

Low-intensity workouts, or LIIT workouts, still have benefits despite being delicate and more comfortable. Its duration is 30–40 minutes. For those people who are suffering from injuries, illness, or ageing problems, low-intensity cardio training is best for them. It also helps beginners to improve their cardiovascular capacity. 

These exercises are expected to increase your heart by up to 50%.

These exercises are done at a comfortable pace for a longer duration. During these exercises, you inhale a low amount of oxygen, so it doesn't make you uncomfortable.

You can enjoy your life during these exercises because they are mostly done in outdoor places and they won't cost you a lot of money.

Low-intensity workout examples

  1. Light jogging

  2. Walking

  3. Swimming

  4. Lifting light weights

  5. Cycling 

  6. Yoga

7. Rowing at a moderate pace

list of exercises

2: Moderate-Intensity Interval Training

 If you've been doing low-intensity exercises for quite a while, now it's time to up the ante. Moderate intensity exercises, also known as MIIT, are tougher than low-intensity exercises. If you are below 40 or not recovering from any disease, these exercises will be bearable for you even if you begin with them. 

Moderate-intensity exercises tend to increase your heart rate by up to 70%. Most of the exercises mentioned above can be easily made into moderate-intensity exercises by increasing the pace. During these exercises, you breathe heavily. but will not be out of breath or completely exhausted. 

Medium-intensity exercises should be done for 20–30 minutes.Some examples of moderate-intensity exercises

  • Badminton

  • Water sports for 30 minutes

  • Double Tennis

  • Fast walking

  • Playing volleyball for more than 35 minutes

  • Basketball for 25 minutes.

  • Jumping rope for 20 minutes

3: High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity workouts are the most popular cardiovascular exercises because of their immediate effects; these workouts are also known as HIIT. Because in today's world, everybody is facing a shortage of time. So most people can't spend hours daily on fitness training. In a shorter time, high-intensity workouts will give you double the results as compared to moderate-intensity workouts. High-intensity workouts make you pay because they are pretty tough to perform, but if you keep the magical results in mind, they will become quite bearable.

High-intensity workouts tend to increase the heart rate by up to 87%. 15-20 minutes of HIIT workouts are enough. Some examples of high-intensity workouts

  • Running 

  • Hillclimbing

  • Push-ups

  • Single-leg Burpees

  • Climbing stairs

  • Crunches

  • Oblique crunches

  • Bicycle crunches

4: Aerobic Interval Training

Aerobic exercises are exercises that increase the use of oxygen by the body. That is why these exercises are named "aerobic exercises," which means "with oxygen." Aerobic Interval Training is a combination of moderate and high-intensity exercises. 

A sudden burst of extremely high-intensity activity between normal training is called Aerobic Interval Training (AIT). It is considered the most convenient type of cardio which speeds up the weight loss process. During that high-intensity burst, the process of burning calories doubles its speed. You can burn a lot of calories without spending extra time at the gym. These exercises can increase the heart rate by up to 85%. You can convert most of the L exercises into AIT exercises.

Best Overall Exercise

For example,

  • 1 minute of sprinting followed by 4 minutes of jogging at a normal pace.

  • 5 minutes of cycling fast in 20 minutes of cycling.

and other exercises with the same pattern  You can adjust the time accordingly. 

5: Interval Training (Aerobic)

These types of exercises are usually performed by professional athletes when they want to perform on big stages. These exercises are quite tough compared to Anaerobic exercises that won't allow the body to use oxygen as it does in aerobic exercises. 

The intensity of these exercises is greater than the energy produced by our bodies, which makes these exercises tougher. You have to push yourself extremely hard to perform these anaerobic exercises. These exercises are performed at low to high intensity. 

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For example, walking for 30 seconds and then fast running for 30 seconds and then walking for 30 seconds. This process is repeated 3 to 6 times continuously, according to fitness level These exercises increase the heart rate by 85-100%. 

Five Main Physical Exercises That Burn Fat

These exercises can take you into the anaerobic zone.

  • Burpees

  • Bench presses

  • Sprinting

  • Weight lifting

  • Push-ups

  • Pull-ups

  • Jumping rope   

6: Fartlek or speed play training

Some people get bored by doing the same type of exercise every day. Fartlek or Speed Play exercises are suitable for them. This exercise is a combination of random variations of speed. For example, running for 10 minutes, sprinting for 30 seconds, jogging for 4 minutes, and sprinting again. It is an unstructured exercise. It doesn't have specific rules. purely based on motivation. This exercise can be tough for beginners. Your heart rate can increase by up to 80% while performing these exercises. 

These exercises can fall into the fartlek category.

  • Running 

  • Swimming 

  • Boxing 

  • Cycling  

7: Circuit Training  

Circuit exercises are a combination of 6 or more exercises. Circuit training is a full-body workout because huge muscles of the body get trained during a short period of time. 

You should take a short rest after completing each exercise. In one circuit, you do all the chosen exercises once. 

Multiple circuits can be performed in one session. Beginners can also adjust themselves according to this training. Circuit training improves strength and heart health while also elevating mood. 

For example,

  1. Do push-ups for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.

  2. Do squats for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.

  3. Do chin-ups for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.

  4. Do pull-ups for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds 

  5. Do sit-ups for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.

  6. Do lunges for 30 seconds and rest for 30 seconds.


2, Muscle Strength Exercises

We have several types of muscles in our bodies. 36% of our body is made up of muscles. Muscles cause each movement in our body, like walking, speaking, swimming, and even facial expressions. Muscle strength is the force you apply to a weight to lift or move it. Muscle strength exercises improve the ability to lift and move the weights by applying muscle strength to them. Muscle strength shows how strong you are. The more your muscles get stronger, the more you will be able to lift (or move) the weight.

Examples Of Muscle Strength Exercises Workouts

  • Bicep curls

  • Planks

  • Bench Press

  • Push-Ups

  • Pull-Ups 

  • Squats


Types Of Muscle Strength Exercises

  1. Isometric 

  2. Isotonic Exercises

Isometric exercise

In isometric exercises, muscles get engaged but do not change their length. You put pressure on your muscles without moving them during these exercises. Isotonic exercises

They are common but not everyone can do them, especially people who suffer from joint and bone diseases. If you are recovering from any sort of physical injury, isometric exercises may help you recover faster. It's also good for old people because it's easy to perform for them. 

Holding your body in a plank position is a good example of isometric exercise. These exercises are suitable for a person with high blood pressure or heart disease.


Examples Of Isometric Exercises


  • Planks 

  • Squats

  • Wall sit

  • Dead hang

  • Glute bridge

  • Raise and hold your calves


Isotonic Exercises 

Isotonic allows the muscle to move to its full range while having weight or pressure on it. Resistance training and bodyweight exercise are examples of isotonic exercises. Bicep curls, pushups, pull-ups, squats, etc. are common examples of isotonic exercises. Most people do these exercises in gyms. They allow our muscles to move freely in everyday life and help you build stronger muscles.Patients with diabetes are also recommended to perform these exercises. These exercises help you get stronger bones as well.

When our muscles decrease in length during exercises, it is known as "concentric movement."

When our muscle stretches to its full length, it's called an eccentric movement.

  • Hiking 

  • Swimming 

  • Dancing 

  • Bench Press

  • Push-Ups 

  • Pull-Ups 

  • Bicep Curls

  • Squats

3: Muscle Endurance Exercises

Muscle endurance is a bit different from muscle strength. Muscle strength is the ability of muscles to lift weights or move them for a short period Performing the activity repeatedly for longer periods of time using muscles is called muscle endurance. It is the ability to engage a muscle or group of muscles against the resistance of weight or body weight. If your muscles move in the same way repeatedly, that means you are using your muscle endurance. Usually, cardio exercises are good for muscle endurance. For muscle endurance, you have to perform more reps with lighter weights. These exercises are also good for weight loss and heart health, and they decrease the chances of diseases as well.

Note: Some exercises are good for both endurance and strength, but the main difference is the goal. You have to decide on the goals you want to achieve.

Muscle Fibers

There are two main types of muscle fibers: fast twitch fibers and slow twitch fibers. Fast twitch fiber is good for great muscle strength, whereas slow twitch fiber is beneficial for endurance. Most people have a dominant type of fiber. It varies from person to person due to genetics. People with dominant fast twitch fiber are good in sports that require more muscle strength. And slow-twitch fiber is good for endurance sports. But you can increase the muscle fiber by physical training. 

Examples of endurance exercises


  • Climbing The Stairs

  • Running 

  • Push-ups 

  • lunges

  • Swimming

  • Deadlifts 

4: Flexibility Workouts


Flexibility exercises are the most underrated exercises. But gradually, flexibility training is getting popular among young athletes. These exercises increase the range of joint movements. Practising flexibility exercises reduces the chances of injury during sports. These exercises can also improve the performance of athletes because they improve their range of motion. Flexibility training may not improve your strength or endurance but may help you perform these exercises. Some people feel extreme discomfort during long-distance travel. But people who perform these exercises may not face such problems because their bodies will become adaptable.

These exercises do not demand a lot of time and effort. 5 minutes of daily training will do great. These exercises should be done in a very gentle way. You should come to your desired position gently and slowly. If you are not familiar with stretching, hold the position for a short time. Gradually, you will be able to hold the position for a long time because it's all about practice.

After strength or endurance training, it is best to do stretching. In this way, you will not have to deal with a lot of pain and discomfort.

Examples Of Flexibility Training

  • Cross over

  • Backstretch 

  • Forward lunges

  • Side lunges

  • Shoulders stretch

  • Standing calf stretch

  • All types of yoga

Types of stretching


  • Dynamic stretching

  • PNF Stretching

  • Ballistic Stretching

  • Passive Stretching

  • Isometric Stretching

  • Static Stretching


5: Balance Workouts

Having a balance in our lives is the most important thing, whether it be physical or mental. Many people lose their confidence because of their strange style of walking and lack of balance while doing any other physical activity. So today we are going to tell you the easy solution to that problem. Balance exercises are not that popular but very useful. Balance exercises improve our walking, sitting and mobility balance in our lives. Our body loses balance after a specific age. We struggle in our routine life. These exercises will help to bring confidence back and bring charm to our lifestyle. 

You can also prevent falls by performing these exercises. So, including balance exercises in our lives is a pretty good idea.

Most of the balance exercises are of moderate intensity, but some exercises can be challenging. You can adjust the difficulty of some exercises as well. But the repetition of exercises will make the exercises easier for you. These exercises work on the core muscles, the legs, and the back.

Some of the best balance exercises

  • Balancing On The Stability Ball

  • Balancing On One Foot.

  • The High Plank With The Taps

  • Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts

  • Bird Dog

  • Isometric Lunges

  • The Balanced Walk


Note: Older people can choose comparatively easy exercises or can adjust the difficulty level of the exercise.

Are balance exercises good for toddlers?

Balance is a vital skill for our survival in life. According to multiple studies, kids who were

Given balance training by their parents, they are far more confident and creative in their lives. On the other hand, people with low self-esteem have low self-balance. They become shy about taking part in physical activities, even at home.

Because preschoolers rely on balance to perform physical activities such as walking, eating, dressing, and holding somethingSo parents should be aware if their kids have the right balance in their lives or not. These exercises can have magical effects on young kids who have just started walking. Balance exercises are amazingly good for developing physical skills in a toddler.

These are some of the best exercises for toddlers 

  • Standing on my feet

  • Tight rope walking

  • Stepping stone

  • Frog jump

  • Balance board

  • Yoga 

  • ladder bridge

  • Surf.


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